GFAD Bookings - 2nd June 2018
Booking GFAD Tickets is simple - you have 4 options of how to do it, you choose which is best for you!
Booking GFAD Tickets is simple - you have 4 options of how to do it, you choose which is best for you!
Option 1 - Use PayPal Friend option, GFAD is a friend after all! This way there is no additional cost to you or GFAD - win/win! Is you do this please email [email protected] and let us know which tickets you are playing for.
Option 2 - Use the PayPal buttons on this page - please be aware you will pay a fee (detailed) for doing this.
Option 3 - if you still have a cheque book you can send a cheque made payable to Glasgow Festival of Arabic Dance. Please email [email protected] to get address to send cheque to.
Option 4 - Cash! If you are some one who sees any of the GFAD Team give them your cash! Best to put it in an envelope with a note of what you are booking.
Option 2 - Use the PayPal buttons on this page - please be aware you will pay a fee (detailed) for doing this.
Option 3 - if you still have a cheque book you can send a cheque made payable to Glasgow Festival of Arabic Dance. Please email [email protected] to get address to send cheque to.
Option 4 - Cash! If you are some one who sees any of the GFAD Team give them your cash! Best to put it in an envelope with a note of what you are booking.
Workshops with Lorna of Cairo
10 am - 12 noon
Musical Interpretation - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal…
10 am - 12 noon
Musical Interpretation - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal…
12.30pm - 2.30 pm
Muscle Control - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal
Muscle Control - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal
3.00pm - 5.00pm
Sexy Baladi! - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal
Sexy Baladi! - £20 PayPal friend/£21.50 PayPal
Asif’s Drumming Workshops
12- pm – 2.00 pm
Basics of Middle Eastern Percussion - £17 PayPal friend/£18.25 PayPal–
12- pm – 2.00 pm
Basics of Middle Eastern Percussion - £17 PayPal friend/£18.25 PayPal–
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Sets of 4 - £17 PayPal friend/£18.25 PayPal
Sets of 4 - £17 PayPal friend/£18.25 PayPal
Performance Showcase with Lorna of Cairo and Asif and the Nomads
(Doors open 7 pm, Performances start 7.30 pm, Evening Close 11 pm)
Performance Showcase Ticket - £14 PayPal friend/£15 PayPal
(Doors open 7 pm, Performances start 7.30 pm, Evening Close 11 pm)
Performance Showcase Ticket - £14 PayPal friend/£15 PayPal
Performance Showcase Ticket (if 2 workshops are booked) - £12 PayPal friend/£12.85 PayPal
Performance Showcase Ticket (if 3 workshops are booked) - £10 PayPal friend/£10.75 PayPal
The Small Print...........if you buy GFAD tickets and then find you cannot attend you can pass them to someone else who can use them - please let us know who is coming along to help us with our lists. GFAD will only give a refund if we have to cancel an event or part of the event - we have never had to do this before.